Sunday, June 14, 2009

[NEW] Microsoft Office 2010

  • Developer : Microsoft
  • OS : Windows XP SP3 or later
  • Platform : Microsoft Windows
  • Type : Office suite
  • Licence : Proprietary EULA (Commercial)
  • Codename: Office 14
  • Successor : Microsoft Office 2007 (Office 12)
  • Development started : 2006
  • Shipped : first half 2009


Development started in 2006 while Microsoft was finishing work on Office 12, released as Microsoft Office 2007. The version number 13 was skipped due to the aversion to the number 13.[6] It was previously thought that Office 2010 (then called Office 14) would ship in the first half of 2009,[7] however Steve Ballmer has officially announced that Office 2010 will ship in 2010.[8] According to an article published in InfoWorld in April 2006, Office 2010 will be more "role-based" than previous versions.[4] The article cites Simon Witts, corporate vice president for Microsoft's Enterprise and Partner Group, as claiming that there would be features tailored to employees in "roles such as research and development professionals, sales persons, and human resources." Borrowing from ideas termed "Web 2.0" when implemented on the Internet, it is likely that Microsoft will incorporate features of SharePoint Server in Office 2010.[9]

Office 2010 will implement the ISO compliant version of Office Open XML which was standardized as ISO 29500 in March 2008.[2] Microsoft plans to offer a Web-based version of its Office productivity suite, known as Office Web, that will debut with the release of Office 2010.[10] Office Web will include online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.

The next versions of Microsoft Office Visio, Microsoft Outlook, OneNote, Microsoft Office Project, and Publisher will feature the ribbon interface element used in other Office 2007 applications.[3][11] On April 15, 2009, Microsoft confirmed that Office 2010 will be officially released in the first quarter of 2010. They announced on May 12, 2009 at a Tech Ed event [12], that Office 2010 will begin technical testing during July. It will also be the first version of Office to ship in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. [13][14]


On January 10, 2009, screenshots of an Office 2010 alpha build were leaked by a tester.[15]

Technical Preview

Microsoft announced that users can sign up and register for the preview at, with the intention of testing beginning early to mid July 2009. On May 15, 2009, the first Technical Preview was leaked to torrent websites.[16] Shortly after this, Microsoft claimed through their Technet blogs that they had been monitoring various torrents and found "quite a few" to be infected with malware.[17]

taken from:






Friday, June 5, 2009


Here the story:
For example, If I have a paint store then I need to know how many paint in my stock with particular color.

In the picture above, I select particular color using dropdown list then Excel will give me the answer according to data table that I have.

How does it works?
If I choose Yellow, Excel will search word "Yellow" in the Color column. If it found, Excel will look to next column
(in my case) in the same row. Excel found 7 in the next column. So, Excel give me 7. If not found Yellow in the first column, Excel will give me #N/A

How does it works (in Excel language) ?
You just type "=VLOOKUP(E4,B4:C8,2,FALSE)" in the F4 cell


E4 are cell that contain word that you want to search, in this example, dropdown box in E4 cell

are the table that contain Color column and Qty column

are because you need to take value in the 2nd column after excel search the first column.

, because you need to search the exact match of Yellow not Yellowy (for example)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Calculate how often the number appear

How to calculate how often the number appear?
HINT: Use CountIf function

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how we calculate how often a number comes up in selected data range! This picture below, is the result.

Step 01:
I type "=COUNTIF(" in the cell C5

Step 02:
Then I select data range, for example, I select range G5 to G12.

Step 03:
Type "," then select (or type) data for criteria (for example, I select cell I5 because I want Excel find out how many "1" comes up in data range.

Step 04:
Type ")", to close function. But don't press Enter now.

Step 05:
I need to keep data range do not change when I drag this equation to cell J6 and J7. So, I should make the data range as absolute reference (by using "$" sign).
You can type it manually, or press F4 button on keyboard. So from G5 become $G$5. Do it to G5 too. After these things, you can press Enter.

Step 06:
Drag formula in cell I5 to I7, so you got same formula for I6 and I7 but with different reference for criteria.

Final Result:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Excel 2007 parts

Know your Excel 2007 parts !!!

Title bar

Office button

Excel Options

(Quick Access Toolbar)


Change Gridline color

How to change gridline color?

Step 01:
Click Office button

Step 02:

Click Excel Options

Step 03:
Select Advanced option, then scroll down until you find Display options for this worksheet

Step 04:
In the Gridline color, select color you desired.
Click OK button, if you finish.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Minimize Ribbon

How to minimize ribbon on Excel 2007?

Click the Quick Access Toolbar arrow, then click Minimize the Ribbon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Change Excel Color Scheme (Skin Color)

How to change skin of my Excel 2007?
HINT: Use Excel Options then Color Scheme

You can change your Excel 2007 color scheme with Blue, Silver, or Black.

Black color scheme:

Blue color scheme:

Silver color scheme:

Step 01:

Click Office button.

Step 02:
Click Excel Options.

Step 03:
On Popular, change Color Scheme to Blue, Silver, or Black.
Then press OK button.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Open your 2007 excel files on Excel 2003

I can't open file excel 2007 on my MS Excel 2003
HINT: Install Compatibility Pack

Install from this link !!!
Then you can open your excel 2007 file on your MS Excel 2003 or later !!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Subtotal your values

How to calculate subtotal?
HINT: Use SUM function

Step 01:

Type your data

Step 02:
Select your subtotal cell

Step 03:

Type "=SUM(" then select your data, then press ENTER
In this case, my data are from F4 to F14 (F4:F14), so you see "=SUM(F4:F14)" in formula bar.

Create Chart with Fast

How to create chart with Fast?
HINT: Use shortcut Alt-F1

Step 01:
Select your data

Step 02:
Press Alt-F1 and voila.. you got a column chart !!!

Change Horizontal Axis chart

How to change horizontal axis chart on Excel 2007?
HINT: Use Select Data

Step 01:
Type your data chart and type also your new axis label.
I will change horizontal axis label (1,2,3,....13) to 1993,1994,1995,...,2005

Step 02:
Now, click on label number exactly (example click horizontal axis label 7). Then you will see all horizontal axis label selected.

Step 03:
After that, right-click it and then you will see the menu. Click Select Data...

Step 04:
The Select Data Source window will appear. Select right Edit button (see picture):

Step 05:
Axis Labels window appear. Click the range button (see picture):

Step 06:
Select your new axis label. In this case, I select Year column.
Selected cells will marked like ants march. If you done, click OK button.

Step 07:
The Select Data Source window will appear again. See that Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels now 1993, 1994, ......, 2005. Click OK button to finish it.

Step 08:
Now, you will see your horizontal axis label will change to year.