Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Calculate how often the number appear

How to calculate how often the number appear?
HINT: Use CountIf function

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how we calculate how often a number comes up in selected data range! This picture below, is the result.

Step 01:
I type "=COUNTIF(" in the cell C5

Step 02:
Then I select data range, for example, I select range G5 to G12.

Step 03:
Type "," then select (or type) data for criteria (for example, I select cell I5 because I want Excel find out how many "1" comes up in data range.

Step 04:
Type ")", to close function. But don't press Enter now.

Step 05:
I need to keep data range do not change when I drag this equation to cell J6 and J7. So, I should make the data range as absolute reference (by using "$" sign).
You can type it manually, or press F4 button on keyboard. So from G5 become $G$5. Do it to G5 too. After these things, you can press Enter.

Step 06:
Drag formula in cell I5 to I7, so you got same formula for I6 and I7 but with different reference for criteria.

Final Result:


  1. ERRORS:

    Setp 1 should read " =COUNTIF( in cell J5 "

    Step 5 should read "Do it to G12 too"

    Step 6 should read "Drag formula in cell J5 to J7, so you have the same formula for J6 and J7 but with different reference for criteria."

  2. Errors ?
    Oh really? But in my Excel everything is OK
